The one time I saw the Ku Klux Klan in person, I was also dressed in all white. I was about 10 years old. My father had taken me to the University of Georgia Golf Course for my first round there. We came up from Macon. And the Varsity was the typical out-of-towner treat for us, too. The Klan was outside the Varsity. I don’t know why they gathered there. But I remember others being there, too, shouting at them. It was so long ago that it feels like a weird dream. In fact, I asked my dad about it again this past week. “I didn’t dream the Klan thing, did I?” “No,” he said. “You didn’t.” He didn’t remember any real details. My main memory was that I wore white shorts and a white-collar shirt to play golf. I remember the feeling of “I’m not with these guys” regarding my all-white attire. I felt horribly uncomfortable.

I thought about that day again this past week as white supremacists marched with torches and chanted “Jews will not replace us” in Charlottesville, and a woman was murdered in a terrorist attack on those protesting the white-pride rally, and modern America descended into something weirder and worse in spirit than I’ve ever seen. I thought back on that day at the Varsity as a child and remembered the feeling of “will someone think I’m with the Klan?” And when I think about such stuff now, I feel this one thing very strongly: If we don’t speak up against the wrong things, we risk being confused with them. If we are quiet in the face of what’s clearly wrong, we risk condoning it.

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